The “Rittle Integrated Development Environment” (RIDE) is part of the Rittle system and has the task to help facilitate writing programs, perform compilation, generate executable files, as well as do basic debugging of the written code.
RIDE is activated by a console command “ride” with optionally a file name following the command.
Entering RIDE goes straight to its line text editor. The output looks like this:
Now the text editor is positioned on line 1, and ready to accept text. Let’s start writing in Rittle. It is important to know that every line can be edited by using the left and right arrow keys, the keys <Del> and <BckSpc>. Text can be inserted or removed, all done until an <Enter> key is pressed.
Another very important detail is, if the first character in a line is a ‘.’ Then RIDE will interpret it is a command for the environment, and will try to execute the following characters as one or more RIDE commands.
RIDE’s text editor is not a typical editor but a line-based one. This means that what is shown on the screen is not necessarily how the text looks. Individual lines can be displayed, edited, and then other lines displayed below them in a non-sequential order. Using line editor brings several benefits. First, it does not depend on the hardware in any way. The line editor will look the same way on a small 2-line LCD as it will look on a large terminal screen. Display height and width don’t matter. Another benefit is, once mastered, using a line editor does actually make writing code quicker. For example, in a source of several hundred or several thousand lines of code, a developer might find themselves frequently scrolling up and down over large chunks of code in order to check and refer to different parts of code. In RIDE this is achieved by typing short one-character commands or sequences. In a short ‘dot-command’ line the developer could for example jump to a line and change something. Compile and execute, or trace code. RIDE also supports repeating the same command defined number of times. This is very useful when searching and replacing, as well as during debug.
Full help about the RIDE commands can be invoked by executing a command .H
1: .h
A single dot is enough for full
command line with multiple commands
._ exit (text remains in the memory)
.Z clear screen (250 new lines) .H this information
.U undo the last edited line .? other useful information
.L [number of lines] [,] [starting from line number] list (recent or from)
.D <number of lines> [,] [starting from line number] delete lines
.I <number of lines> [,] [starting from line number] insert lines
.C <number of lines> [,] [starting from line number] copy lines at
.M <number of lines> [,] [starting from line number] move lines to
.[J] [line] or <N> or <P> jump to line or to next line or to
previous line
.F [text to EOL] define 'Find' string to find or perform find function
.R [text to EOL] define 'Replace' string or perform find and replace
.O <NEW> or <file.RIT> start new blank file or open a file with
given name
.S [file.RIT] save file (optionally can save with a new file name)
.* [number of times] repeat the following command line number of times
Rittle Compilation and Debug:
.. first enter step mode then execute single instruction in current process
.= first enter step mode then execute single instruction in all processes
.# <file.RXE> create executable file for RVM
.V <variable id> [, <linear index>] inspect variable
.\ inspect RVM stack for current process .[ compile in mem [opts $%]
.B place/remove breakpoint .> run or continue after
After executing the help command, the editor returns back to the same line waiting for text.