This is the standard set of functions that form the core set of the Rittle language. They don’t depend on the hardware configuration of the system and work with the console only.
! ' '_ '! '!_ - -- $ * / \ \\ ^ ~ + ++ < << <= <> = == > >= >> abs acos and any asin at atan big bit byte char chdir clear close code conch conrd copy cos count CRLF cut data deg delete E else end endfunc endif endunit eof exitfunc exitloop exp ffirst fnext format fpos freemem fsize func hsin htan include if init input insert int ioerr isopen isval isword ln log maxlen mkdir mount not open or output PI platform pproc print pterm rad random read real redim refer renvar repeat rmdir run search seek sign sim sin sint16 sint32 sint64 sint8 size small tan text tick trim type unit until uptime userbrk val var wait where while write xor