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Source Files

Rittle source code is a script consisting of commands, functions, parameters, constants, and expressions in text form. The typical file extension of a Rittle source file is .RIT.

A program can be written in any text editor, and then fed through the RSC it comes out as a compiled pseudo-code in format that RVM understands and executes.

Only a very limited set of non-printable characters are allowed in the source. These are the ‘Space’ character (ASCII code 32), ‘Horizontal Tab’ (ASCII code 9), ‘New Line’ (ASCII code 10), ‘Vertical Tab’ (ASCII code 11), and ‘Carriage Return’ (ASCII code 13). RSC will exit with an error if any other non-printable character is found in the source during compilation. These characters are called whitespace and are ignored during the compilation.

It is important to remember that once compiled, the file is in binary format and becomes unreadable by normal human standards, so always keep the sources so you can edit your code and generate new compiled output when needed!

The typical file extension of a binary file with compiled Rittle code which is executable by the RVM, is .RXE.